Wishing you all a Happy New Year and New Beginnings ! A.B.C's for the New Year Approaching this New Year ... with fresh eyes Beginning this Day ... with beginner's mind Creating right Now ... A Moment for Living Being-fully Present in this Moment ... with re-freshed awareness www.arts-in-celebration.com Highlights for JANUARY with FEBRUARY Preview Adult-focused Events • YES!Dance! - in Newport - Tuesday JANUARY 3rd 6:45pm • Community Drum Circle - Tuesday JAN. 17th - 6:45pm • Gentle Yoga & Mindfulness - Mondays 4:45pm with Christopher - begins Jan 23rd •Expressive Arts Institute - Training - at Salve Regina University Applications now open • Present Moment Reiki Sessions Private Sessions with Katherine Carbone, Reiki Master Now booking sessions for the new season Family / Child Events • Music Together of Newport County Winter Session Begins the week of Jan 3rd, a few spaces available • Musical Celebrations - for Newport Winterfest - 2 events: Tuesday FEB 21st - 11:00am and Thursday FEB 23rd 10:30am *********************************** See Details below click on “Read More” Adult Events YES!Dance! Community Expressive Movement & Dance Newport, RI Theme Beginning the NEW YEAR: TUESDAY JANUARY 3rd 6:45- 7:45pm Doors open at 6:30 for arrival and setup, so we can begin all together at 6:45pm Facilitated by Katherine Carbone Expressive Movement Specialist *** Come re-connect with your authentic MOVING Self! Dance from the inside out to lively world beat music with a great community of people! Move your body! enliven your spirit! YES! Dance! community events are an affirmation of the power of movement, creativity, and embodied expression. Combining elements of form and freedom, Rhythm and flow, the individual and the interactive, we welcome all movers to this joyful experience of movement and expression and connection. Guided by Katherine Carbone At our YES!Dance! event, you will be invited to join in, relax, have fun, and connect. Experience being in the present moment with MOVEMENT and DANCE practiced with gentleness and compassion towards self and others. No experience necessary, beginners welcome. For this space, please wear comfortable shoes for movement (sneakers, shoes, etc) ----- Please RSVP / Register here at Eventbrite yesdancenewport.eventbrite.com if you plan on attending this month, so that we can best plan for the numbers for that session and for any additional communications around the event. Newport (at St. Paul's Church, 12 Marlborough Street) Freewill Donations accepted at Door (Suggested donations $10, all are welcome) --- Note: This Dance event is An adult Focused-Event. For Children / Family events & classes see http://www.musictogethernewport.com/ ************************************** Community DRUM Circle for the NEW YEAR Newport, RI TUESDAY JANUARY 17th 6:45- 7:45pm Doors open at 6:30 for arrival and setup, so we can begin all together at 6:45pm Facilitated by Christopher Kavi Carbone, Expressive Arts Facilitator / community music educator; with Rev. Jae Gil Lee *** Come re-connect with your authentic musical self. At our Community Drum Circle for Peace, you will be invited to join in, relax, have fun, and connect. Experience being in the present moment with rhythm, music-making and vibrational awareness, practiced with gentleness and compassion towards self and others. For Adults Please RSVP / Register on eventbrite if you plan on attending this month, http://newportdrumcircle.eventbrite.com so that we can best plan for the numbers for that session and for any additional communications around the event. Co-Sponsored by Present Moment Arts and St. Paul's United Methodist Church, Located at St. Paul's United Methodist Church, 12 Marlborough Street, Newport Freewill Donations accepted at Door Suggested donations $10 Please aim to arrive 5-10 minutes early, so we may begin together ----- Drums, Rhythm instruments not necessary , as we'll have a collection for people to use, but feel free to bring drums/rhythm instruments with you if you like! Note: This Community Drum Circle is An adult Focused-Event. For Children / Family events & classes see http://www.musictogethernewport.com/ **************************************** Please RSVP / Register here at Eventbrite in advance, http://newportdrumcircle.eventbrite.com ------------------------------------------------ Gentle Yoga & Mindfulness with Christopher Kavi Carbone MONDAYS 4:45- 6:00pm REGISTRATION Now Open class series to begin: Monday January 23rd Newport Location - Class sized limited. To register for the class, contact Christopher 401 846-9014 [email protected] or register online: www.arts-in-celebration.com on the "yoga programs" ------------------------------------------- Expressive Arts Institute at Salve Regina University Expressive Arts - Foundation Training Course 2017 Help re-kindle the Creative Spark within yourself and within your clients, students and groups. This weekend based professional development and personal growth opportunity, has been designed to provide educators, medical caregivers, therapists and those in related fields with basic training in the expressive and creative arts to facilitate transformation, self-discovery, physical healing, and the evolution of consciousness when working with groups or individuals Salve EAI Session Dates for 2017 with Guided Study between Weekends Weekend I: June 2, 3, 4 Weekend II: July 14, 15, 16 Weekend III: August 11, 12, 13 Now Receiving Applications Christopher and Katherine are both teaching in the Institute along with co-faculty Susan Fox for more info or questions about the application process, contact program Coordinator Christopher directly: [email protected] http://ecarts.salvereginablogs.com/expressive-arts-institute/ In addition, this serves as an introduction to the full Graduate Certificate programs in the Expressive and Creative Arts as Transformation- part of Salve Regina University's HOLISTIC GRADUATE PROGRAMS with additional Options at Salve for earning Master's degrees in Holistic Counseling or Holistic Leadership. http://www.salve.edu/graduate-studies/holistic-studies/cgs-or-cags-expressive-and-creative-arts http://www.salve.edu/graduate-studies/holistic-studies/ma-holistic-counseling http://www.salve.edu/graduate-studies/holistic-studies/ma-holistic-leadership Present Moment Reiki Private Sessions with Katherine Carbone, Reiki Master Now booking sessions for the New Year! Present Moment Reiki is a gentle yet powerful approach to healing and energy medicine • Alleviate Stress & the Symptons of Stress • Activate Your Body's Innate Wisdom for Healing & Balance • Experience Deep States of Relaxation & Inner Calm By appointment only also: Gift Certificates Available Contact Katherine to order a Gift Certificate or to book your appointment [email protected] 401 846-9014 Family / Child Events Music Together® of Newport County WINTER SESSION - "STICKS" The Music Together WINTER SESSION Begins this week January 3rd! A few spots in some classes are available Now Accepting Registrations We look forward to Making Music Together with You and your Family! (for families with children newborn to age 5) For dates, times and more info please go to : http://www.musictogethernewport.com/ [email protected] 401 846-9014 "Teddy Bear Tea - Musical Celebration!": with Christopher "Kavi" Carbone (this event for all ages! Even the littlest ones!) Special event for NEWPORT WINTERFEST "Teddy Bear Tea - bring your favorite furry friend with you! Interactive music & songs for the WINTERTIME and More! TUESDAY FEBRUARY 21st 11:00am Newport Location - NEWPORT HARBOR HOTEL 49 America's Cup Ave, Newport $3/ or Free w/ Winterfest button. Please plan to arrive 15-20 minutes EARLY for this event to allow for parking and getting settled into the space, etc. "WINTERTIME Celebrations!" Music, Movement and More! with Christopher "Kavi" Carbone (this event for all ages! Even the littlest ones!) Special event for NEWPORT WINTERFEST Interactive music & songs for the WINTERTIME and More! THURSDAY FEBRUARY 23rd 10:30am Newport Location - VIKING HOTEL, 1 Bellevue Ave., Newport $3/ or Free w/ Winterfest button. Please plan to arrive 15-20 minutes EARLY for this event to allow for parking and getting settled into the space, etc. Watch for our FEBRUARY / MARCH newsletter for more upcoming Wintertime Events Comments are closed.
AuthorChristopher & Katherine Carbone Archives
December 2021